Massive Underground Broadcast Blockages in U.S. almost All Circumvented !
Corona Virus ???
For the average person anywhere on Earth, Everything has changed since this Fictional Virus was announced! But most haven't noticed the main assault in the U.S and elsewhere! There was at the beginning of the "Pandemic", a massive correlated sweep, which instantly shut down any and all Alternative or "Underground" News and Broadcast outlets, which are reporting the Truth!, rather than the governments, "Raytheon Scripted News"! Some of you have noticed the disappearance of social media, (especially in Asian countries) And we here at (WAM)tv have had our U.S. broadcasts either shut down, or not allowed altogether! No matter where we try to broadcast it! You have noticed that at that time, the Old Faithful: Sop Cast also simply Ceased to Exist ! We older citizens had come to expect this in Communist and Muslim Countries, especially during the Cold War! But Never until now, Here in the U.S.A.! Of course, to our Brethren and all Bible Students, this comes with no surprise. Since The Bible Predicted everything happening today, Thousands of Years ago! And so we at (WAM)tv have not rested from our commitment to Spread The Gospel to Every Creature in the World! And Praise God, we have succeeded against insurmountable odds! By the Power Of God Almighty, through Your' Prayers! To watch the (WAM)tv Stream, simply click This Link .
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Thank you all for your' Prayers and patience!
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